09 Mar

It is wrong to assume that the smiles that people sport are the ones they are born with.  Most of the time, it is possible to improve on the simile and in rather routine ways as well.  A good cosmetic dentist should be able to set forth procedures which are bound to improve the appearance of the teeth and the ensuing smile as well.  Some of the more popular procedures are as discussed below. One of the main reasons for poor teeth is lack of white color in the teeth crown and this is one of the main features of the teeth that is sought to be improved upon. 


When thin strips of ceramic coatings are affixed onto the outer of the teeth to improve on the color and shape of the crown of the tooth, it is done with veneers of ceramic.  Most of the time strong bonding glue keeps these veneers in place and there is really little by way of maintenance other than the normal brushing action. 


Crowns or caps are ceramic or plastic heads that are affixed to the crown to help in many ways.  The first is to strength the crown and the other is to keep the deteriorating crown structure all in one place without disintegrating.  The beauty of modern-day cosmetic dentistry is that it can bring out as natural looking and feeling crown as would be possible at any time in the past. 

For those wanting to make a show of having a crown done, they can use gold or silver crowns and imbedded with jewels and stones as well.  Thus the crown can be seen to be a fashion statement most of the time and for good measure too. 


If ever a person is provided with a natural set of teeth that are the most natural looking, then it is to be considered a blessing more than anything else.  But those who do not have such luck, the natural thing to do would be to have the teeth shaped out to as natural shape as possible. A layer of hardened plastic or similar materials is deposited and then shaped out to form the near perfect teeth most of the time. 

A very common practice is to use light curing to have the teeth set in the correct shape most of the time.  This procedure is nothing but an outpatient one and does not need more than a single sitting to have it done.


Gone are the days when only adolescents and children formed the bulk of people who got to visit the orthodontics.  The present-day practice undertakes to have the ortho procedures done to practically all sorts of people and ages.  In fact, the present trend is to use orthodontic implants which are meant to be more discrete than the traditional approach.

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